
Based on the experiences and lessons learned during the TEMPUS project and the pilot testing in the cities of Ravenna, Solin, and Rijeka, the TEMPUS Methodology is conceived as the "instruction manual" for enabling the widest replication of TEMPUS results, freely available to all interested subjects.


Thanks to the collective effort of the TEMPUS working groups (the Local Shipyard Group and the Local Action Group, both activated in each pilot city), the TEMPUS Methodology has gradually evolved with the project implementation. In the Methodology are collected all the steps that proved to be effective in order to successfully experiment with the valorisation of port-related cultural and natural heritage through temporary use. The Methodology is based on the TEMPUS experience in the initial phases of the project, during the implementation and activation of the Temporary Uses Actions in the pilot cities, and in the co-design of the Port Cities Urban Strategies – that will guide the future steps toward the actualisation of the TEMPUS legacy in each pilot city. Tasked to bring forward such legacy is the Local Governance Group (LGG): carrying on the TEMPUS Methodology at the local level and in the cross-border collaboration, the groups will further the rooting of the TEMPUS approach.

Choose your uses!

The first methodological step we suggest is to identify the types of temporary uses that can be beneficial to the experimentation. In TEMPUS, 5 types of temporary uses have been taken into consideration:

For details on each type of temporary use, see this!

Set Up the LAG

The Local Action Group is the interdisciplinary working group, formed in each TEMPUS pilot city, tasked to work together on the strategic exploitation of temporary uses to valorise the cultural heritage and change and innovate the city. To intercept all the different targets, and to effectively reason on how to harmonise the different interests at stake, the LAG group needs to include a wide variety of subjects, and especially one or more representatives of:

The LAG is tasked with the co-design of the Port Cities Urban Strategies (PCUS) that, starting from the potential of temporary uses to enhance the opportunities for valorisation of the port-related cultural heritage, will guide the Local Governance Group (LGG) in the necessary steps beyond the project end. The PCUS contains a shared vision and priorities to be achieved in the mid-long term, and a strategic plan to reach them made of a galaxy of projects based on the implementation of one or more temporary use to valorise the local cultural and natural heritage leveraging the resources offered by the Cultural and Creative Sector.

In TEMPUS, the collective work of the LAGs was organised in 4 phases:

Map the Heritage

For each Era crossed by the port cities life (Roman, Late Antique, Medieval, Modern, and Contemporary), the working groups identified different cultural and natural (from the Natura 2000 network) heritage sites, including relevant elements that are no longer visible, buried underground or lost over time. In fact, the mapping work embraced the idea of the territory’s memory, built up through the course of time and sedimented not only in preserved physical places, but also in sites now transformed.

The criteria for selecting the cultural heritage assets were:

To map the relevant cultural and natural heritage, the TEMPUS experience resulted in a list of information to be collected for each asset, organised in a sheet. Click on the following links to get the templates!

Cultural Heritage Mapping Sheet

Natural Heritage Mapping Sheet

What / Where?

Taking into account the identified temporary uses, both the LSGs (with respect to the Temporary Use Actions in the pilot cities) and the LAGs have discussed how each type of temporary use could help valorise and enhance the cultural and natural heritage assets identified. As a result, a first “What/Where” matching table has been drafted for each pilot: a basic yet fundamental tool that has been later used for the PCUS strategic reasoning.

Find the template of the TEMPUS What/Where table here.

By evaluating each asset’s historical meaning and potential as both identity symbols for the territory and touristic attractions for city users, the match between assets and temporary uses  must be thought out not just in terms of feasibility, but for the temporary use strategic potential in valorising the asset in itself, within the local cultural and natural heritage as a whole, and in the overall context of the port city’s territory.

Get to the Strategy

The Port Cities Urban Strategy (PCUS) aims at the enhancement of the cultural heritage through a coordinated and coherent use of temporary uses, intended also as potential activators of new opportunities for the cultural and creative sector.

The strategy is aimed at highlighting how different elements interconnect to build towards a shared vision. To define such interconnections, Connective Potentials (CP) can be used, describing the synergies among the heritage assets. In fact, once the vision is agreed upon, priorities can be set, to better aim the strategy: the CPs are very effective ways to operationalise the priorities and convey the strategic framework in which the temporary uses are inserted. In addition to that, CPs and the other elements that make up the Strategy can be represented on thematic maps: as means to visualise and thus better comprehend the interconnections, strategic schematic maps display the numbered heritage assets with symbols representing the temporary uses envisioned in them, and the CPs describing the synergies among them.

In addition to these elements, it would be useful to highlight the assets for which other elements can be implemented to add to the overall narrative, such as digital reconstructions. To ease the visualisation on the map, a simple symbol can be chosen for this kind of information, to be overlapped on the corresponding asset symbol.

To provide an example, the Connective Potentials and other elements identified and used in the strategic schematic maps within the TEMPUS Port Cities Urban Strategies are available here, together with an example of schematic map.

On the other hand, a template of the Port Cities Urban Strategies is available here.


From the methodological point of view, it is paramount that legacy bearers for the project are identified, to grant the actual work toward the implementation of the devised strategies and to keep alive the initiatives started with the project. In this respect, the Local Governance Group, an heterogeneous group of subjects must be identified and tasked with the responsibility of implementing the Port Cities Urban Strategies. In fact, it is very important that the members of the LGG possess the ability to complementary activate different types of temporary uses. It is highly recommended that the group includes representatives of:

To mark the starting step of the LGG, in TEMPUS a Memorandum of Understanding has been drafted and submitted to each member, bounding the signatories to commit to the implementation of the Port Cities Urban Strategy. A template of such Statement is available here.