TEMPUS is a 30 months research project (January 2019 – June 2021) co-funded by the European Commission within the Italy – Croatia INTERREG V A 2014-2020 Programme.
Objective of the project is the urban regeneration of the port heritage in the Adriatic Sea area, that has recently undergone a disruptive process of evolution, which has at the same time separated cities from their ancient ports and caused misuse or dismission of spaces.
The TEMPUS project aims at testing an experimental methodology for the urban regeneration of dismissed urban port areas, based on the co-creation of long-term, heritage-driven and community-led urban strategies. Thanks to deep social activation, cultural valorization and stakeholders’ engagement, TEMPUS will activate temporary (re)uses within three pilot port areas (Ravenna, Solin, Rijeka), intended as trigger actions for the implementation of longer-term regeneration strategies.
TEMPUS aims to reconnect cities to their ports, create a new sense of living the places, and to support entrepreneurship in the fields of creativity, culture and tourism. TEMPUS long-term primary objective is to enhance a new economic development based on the valorization of the hidden tangible and intangible port heritage, including the archaeological background and natural contexts, through the start-up of Temporary Uses Actions (TUAs).
The project foresees 3 pilot actions consisting in the activation of Temporary Uses (at least 36 months) in various urban ports of the Adriatic Sea, intended as trigger actions for wider-scale heritage valorization and regeneration processes.
Temporary Use of public spaces or public heritage is a way to bring back to life the abandoned spaces of cities, enhancing the urban voids by giving them cultural, social, educational destinations and new roles of aggregation and participation. Temporary Uses are able to create a network between public and private institutions, associations, citizens in order to live again abandoned spaces and disused or neglected areas and use them as the trigger action for the creation of new cultural, economical and social values.
The design of the Temporary Uses will be based on four fundamental principles: sustainability, innovation, sociability and reversibility of the intervention. It will offer also the opportunity to implement new planning and design methods.